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Immuno-Gizer Product


Which product is recommended for general health and wellness?


The Immunogizer Stem Product. The Immunogizer Stem Cell Product is a prebiotic food supplement that builds the immune system thereby assisting the body in its fight against disease and also in its prevention of disease. The product also helps the body to rid itself of toxins. The reason for many diseases is a compromised immune system and the inability of the body to rid itself of toxins in a timely fashion before it causes damage to cells and organs.

For best results, a teaspoon of the product should be taken with each meal, 3 times daily.


Which product is recommended for weight loss?


The Immunogizer Fat Reducer Product. This product is primarily marketed as a weight loss product; however, it is also used to normalize High Cholesterol. Immuno-Gizer Fat Reducer in conjunction with The Sabbatical Diet helps the body to absorb excess Cholesterol lipids from the blood into the liver where is can be processed into bile. The Fat Reducer also helps to unlock stubborn fat deposits, freeing it for use as energy. This process helps the body to lose weight and increase energy.

For best results, a teaspoon of the product should be taken with breakfast and dinner and 2 teaspoons with water before 8 pm at nights


Which product is recommended for brain health


The Immunogizer Brain Maximizer Product. This product increases brain neurotransmitter levels and is ideal to reduce stress and to improve memory, alertness, and attention and mood disorders. The product is recommended for Alzheimer's Disease, ADHD, and Memory Loss.

For best results, a teaspoon of the product should be taken with each meal, 3 times daily.


Can the Immunogizer Stem Cell product and the Immunogizer Fat Reducer product be taken together?


Yes. For persons who want to combine weight loss with general health, we recommend that they take 1 tsp Stem Cell with breakfast and dinner and 2 tsp Fat Reducer with water before 8 pm at nights


Can the Immunogizer Stem Cell product and the Immunogizer Brain Maximizer product be taken together?


Yes. For persons who want to combine brain health with general health, we recommend that they take 1 tsp Stem Cell with breakfast and dinner and 1 tsp Brain Maximizer with dinner.


How long should a product be used before results can be expected?


It is anticipated that improvements should be experienced for most conditions within 6 to 12 months of usage.


Can the product(s) be taken continually?


Yes. Oxidants are generated from processed foods, general food metabolism and the oxidation of foods. Oxidants are continually accumulating in vital organs which can ultimately result in a variety of diseases such as cancer, hypertension, diabetes, stroke, etc. In a natural environment, the ingredients in the Immunogizer are present in food and water. However, many of these ingredients have been removed through food processing and water treatment based on increased commercialization. Immunogizer is therefore recommended for continuous use to maintain good health and also to prevent disease.


Can one overdose on the product(s)?


No. The product is a food supplement which one cannot overdose on through normal usage.


Does the product(s) have any side effect?


Some persons have more frequent visits to the bathroom or pimples in the early stages. The product cleanses and so there are those manifestations in some persons.


Can the product(s) be taken with medication


Yes. The product is a food supplement that should not interfere with medication.


Can the Immunogizer Stem Cell be used to treat LUPUS?


Yes. We recommend the Immunogizer Stem Cell product for persons with Lupus which we expect to put it in remission. Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease in which the body's immune system becomes hyperactive and attacks normal, healthy tissue. This results in symptoms such as inflammation, swelling, and damage to joints, skin, kidneys, blood, the heart, and lungs. It is our belief that autoimmune diseases are caused by bad bacteria which generate antigens that attaches to cells (especially collagen sites) and causes an immunological reaction or inflammation. This uncontrolled inflammation leads to the symptoms of autoimmune diseases. The Immunogizer Stem Cell with its broad spectrum prebiotics is designed to proliferate the good bacteria and flush out the bad bacteria thereby removing the source of the continuous antigens thereby putting the Lupus in remission.


Can the Immunogizer Stem Cell be used to treat DIABETES?


Yes. The cause of a wide variety of illnesses/diseases is the accumulation of oxidants in vital organs due to the body’s inability to get rid itself of these oxidants in a timely fashion. In the case of diabetes, oxidants impair the pancreas by suppressing the beta cells responsible for producing insulin and also preventing the regeneration of these beta cells. In addition to this problem, diabetes also compromises the immune system causing diabetics to be susceptible to infections. Immunogizer Stem Cell in addition to improving the immune system also accelerates the removal of oxidants from the body which would naturally improve the operation of the pancreas and address the immune deficiency.


When the body consumes food, a signal is sent to the pancreas to release insulin. Based on this signal, the normal operation is for the pancreas to release insulin which attaches to insulin receptors on the cells and gives the signal for the cell to absorb glucose. The cell then changes its membrane settings and is able to absorb glucose. Type 2 diabetes occurs when either the insulin receptors or the bet cells in the pancreas are damaged. Insulin sensitivity is the ability of the cells to readily and appropriately respond to insulin. Insulin resistance occurs when there are old or reduced insulin receptors and opposing hormones such as steroids treatment.


Can the Immunogizer Stem Cell be used to treat HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE & CIRCULATION?


Yes. Oxidants that accumulate in the body are sometimes the cause of thickening arteries and an increased viscosity in the blood that leads to circulation problems. The oxidant build up also causes a decrease in the elasticity of the blood vessel walls which results in High Blood Pressure.  Immunogizer Stem Cell in addition to improving the immune system also accelerates the removal of oxidants from the body which would naturally improve circulation problems and restores the elasticity of blood vessels walls thereby improving circulation and high blood pressure problems.


Can the Immunogizer Stem Cell assist with SEXUAL DYSFUNCTION?


Yes. The product will assist to speed up the oxidant removal process which causes a variety of illnesses including poor blood circulation which is a major cause for sexual dysfunction. 


Can the Immunogizer Stem Cell assist with UTERINE FIBROIDS & MENSTRUAL PROBLEMS?


Yes. Fibroids and abnormal menstrual bleeding are often the result of excessive oxidants or free radical in the Uterus leading to hormonal dysfunction and abnormal growth. Immunogizer Stem Cell in addition to improving the immune system also accelerates the removal of oxidants from the body which should address uterine issues and also shrink the Uterine Fibroids. For most individuals, this should occur within twelve (12) months of using the product.


Can the Immunogizer Stem Cell assist with PROSTATE PROBLEMS?


Yes. Prostate problems come with aging and are often the result of excessive oxidants or free radical leading to hormonal changes and abnormal growth. Immunogizer Stem Cell in addition to improving the immune system also accelerates the removal of oxidants from the body which should result in normalizing the prostate. For most individuals, this should occur within six (6) months of using the product.


Can the Immunogizer Stem Cell assist with NEUROLOGICAL CONDITIONS?


Yes. Neurological conditions are sometimes the cause of mobility issues. We have successfully treated conditions such as Transverse myelitis where a patient was unable to walk properly because of an inflamed spinal cord where nerve fibers were damaged. Within 6 months of using the Immunogizer Stem Cell product, the condition was reversed and the patient is even able to drive.



Can the Immunogizer Stem Cell assist with HIV?


Yes. We have two patients who are on anti-retroviral treatment at the KPH in Jamaica toprevent the growth of the virus. However, after 6 months of supplementation with the Immunogizer Stem Cell product, the viral load test was negative.  The doctors still recommended that they continue on the anti-retroviral treatment, although the condition may have been healed.


Can the Immunogizer product assist with GALL STONE PROBLEMS?


Yes. Gall stones are caused by a build up of cholesterol in the liver. The Fat reducer in combination with the Fat Reducer should help to reduce this excessive build up. We recommend that persons use the products for 6 months and do a follow-up ultrasound to determine the progress.


Can the Immunogizer Stem Cell assist with INFERTILITY?


Common causes for infertility are polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis and Fibroids. The product will assist where these conditions exist.


Can the Immunogizer Stem Cell assist with AVASCULAR NECROSIS?


Avascular necrosis is the death of bone tissue in the hip bone due to a lack of blood supply; however, sometimes there is a misdiagnoses and the problem is only related to poor blood circulation. .The Immunogizer Stem Cell will improve blood circulation by helping to rid the body of oxidants. We recommend that that one starts on the Immunogizer Stem Cell and use for 6-8weeks before reassessing their situation. If it turns out to be the Avascular necrosis, they may need hip replacement.


Can the Immunogizer Stem Cell assist with HERPES?


Yes. Immunogizer Stem Cell will help by improving ones Immune system. It will reduce the severity and frequency of attacks; however, herpes cannot be healed because it is contained in the nerve.


Can the Immunogizer Stem Cell assist with SICKLE CELL?


Yes. Persons with sickle cell who take Immuno-gizer Stem Cell will have less severe and less frequent painful crisis and will see an increase in their steady state Haemoglobin level.




Can the Immunogizer Stem Cell assist with SINUSITIS?


The Immunogizer Stem Cell product helps to improve the Immune System which addresses Sinusitis through greater immunity to infection. In addition, the product also speeds up the removal of oxidants in the body. As the oxidant level decreases, the magnesium level increases which stabilizes the "mast cell" which discharges histamines. As the "mast cells" are stabilized, there is less of a response to allergens which causes allergic responses as with bad sinusitis.


Can the Immunogizer Stem Cell assist with THYROID CONDITIONS?



Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid) is a condition in which the thyroid gland produces too much of the hormone thyroxine. Hyperthyroidism can accelerate one’s body's metabolism significantly, causing sudden weight loss, a rapid or irregular heartbeat, sweating, and nervousness or irritability. Immuno-gizer Stem Cell will improve thyroid conditions including improving the hormone levels and shrinking enlarged glands. As the condition improves, doctors can adjust the medications prescribed and should eventually stop them.

Hypothyroidism may be caused by a dietary deficiency of iodine or damage to a gland caused by a virus. The Immuno-gizer Stem Cell has iodine which should help to restore normal gland function.