Transform Your Health and You Transform Your Future!


Immuno-Gizer Stem Cell

The Immuno-Gizer Stem Cell Is a scientific blend of cane sugar syrup, and fruit acids to produce a pre-biotic supplement that neutralizes the effect of preservatives and food additives in your food and drinking water. This product also includes the capital GLYCPROTEIN from Blue-Green Algae that activates Stem Cells For the removal and replacement of damaged cells of the Brain, Nerves, Heart, Lung, Liver, Kidney and Muscles. 


Immuno-Gizer Fat Reducer

This formula is designed to help your body increase its burning of fat for energy and restoration, thus, improving your metabolic function and slowing the ageing process. With the inclusion of Immuno-Gizer, this product will also enhance your bacterial health and boost your immune system. 

Immune-Gizer Brain Maximizer

Immuno-Gizer BRAIN MAXIMIZER Is a scientific blend of high fructose corn syrup and fruit acids to produce a pre-biotic that neutralizes the effect of preservatives and food additives in your food and drinking water. This product REDUCES STRESS and contains Neuro-Active Amin Acids for improvement in ATTENTION, ALERTNESS, MEMORY, MOOD and REASONING.  (Contains Phenylanaline and Milk ingredients).

The Immuno-Gizer Reduces Stress

Join our Family and Friends of People using the Immuno-Gizer and Build a Community of Healthy People who Care for one another


Since taking the Immuno-Gizer Brain Maximizer I have noticed that my memory has improved and is more sharper. Also, I haven't experienced any headaches during this period and I am more proficient at doing my job, which requires me to be on the road for most of the day. Overall, my work performance has improved, so I am very grateful, as my job requires me to maintain concentration and focus at all times.

Anthony -Barnet (UK)

I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes 5 years ago at age 60 years old, but since discovering the Immuno-gizer Fat Reducer, I feel like I have been given back control over my life. In fact, my husband and son witnessed the improvements in my general health and weight reduction and have both decided to order the product for themselves So we are working together as a family to improve our health. We realise that this is early days but the benefits of using the Immuno-Gizer has given us more zeal for life and its just the start that we needed as a family, so that my husband and I can be here to see our grandchildren grow up in the future.

Annmarie - Surrey (UK)

I have been using the Immuno-gizer Stem Cell for 3 months, but noticed the difference immediately, as I began to sleep better, I am less stressed and I m have been able to spend more quality time with my wife and kids.

Joe - London (UK)